Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Modern Social Work

Modern Social Work
M. Akram Mehar
MSc Sociology

Modern social work employs three methods of assistance; case work, group work, and community organization.

(1)- Case Work

It is the method by which individual persons and families are assisted. The person in need of case work may be physically, mentally, or socially handicapped. Among those regarded as socially handicapped are: the unemployed, the homeless, members of broken families, alcoholics, drug addicts, and neglected or problem children.

Mary Richmond said that; “social case work as the art of doing different things for and with different people by cooperating with them to achieve at one and the same time their own and their society’s betterment”. For example; to reduce/abolish adulteration from the society with the cooperation of different agencies (NGOs).

The assumptions of social case work are based on humanitarian philosophy which is; Cooperation (joint activities to pursue common goal), accommodation (peaceful adjustment between hostile and competitive groups), competition (The assumptions of social case work are based on humanitarian philosophy which is; Cooperation (joint activities to pursue common goal), accommodation (peaceful adjustment between hostile and competitive groups), competition (when different individuals struggle constructively to achieve some desired goal) and conflict (the state in which two/more individuals/groups do efforts to fail the objectives of one another). These terminologies are commonly used for humanitarian philosophy.

Casework is individualized, scientific and artistic. Interviewing is the major tool of casework. The examples of casework are the study of alcohol, drug addicts, anxiety, and inferiority complex. This approach usually involves a series of interviews, often weekly, for about an hour.

Principles of Social Work for Social Case Work

o Principle of Acceptance: This principle also based upon the principle of humanitarianism. For example; doctor accept the certain matters which the client tell about his disease. Common feelings/interests are the main factor of client and social worker (doctor) to develop the consensus.
o Principle of Communication: When social worker (doctor) and client meet each other, they interact with each other on the basis of participatory approach. During interaction, they communicate with each other. For example; the doctor tries his best to motivate the client with friendly manners. In this way, they communicate their ideas, e.g. conversation about disease. So, both share their ideas for mutual understanding.
o Principle of Individualization: It means that sometimes the client requires totally privacy for certain matters. For this, the social worker has to assure the client that he will not reveal his privacy. So, social worker has to develop trust feeling in client. There may be the example of “Probation Officer”.
o Principle of Participation: Without participation, social worker can’t conduct social work practices. As community development is a participatory process, social worker requires participation from indigenous people. Client should adjust according to the environment and the researcher should participate in the community and share the ideas of individuals. Simply, participation creates trust environment. Participation of local community makes it easy to achieve the objectives of social worker.
o Principle of Confidentiality: It is major principle. The social workers have to keep the client’s information as secret. For this purpose, they have to win the confidence of clients and to build confidence, he has to act rationally. So that client can give him healthy information.
o Principle of Awareness: The social worker and client is the product of existence environment. Both have their own faith, belief, attitudes and emotions. For example; the social worker should not guide or impose his own ideas upon the client. He should be aware about the client’s belief. This principle of self awareness provides practical guidance to the social case worker.

Now we can conclude that;
These principles are followed by social worker in case study and enable to get the ground realities which may help to solve the problems of society.

Methods/Models of Social Case-Work

There are the following methods/models of social casework. (1)- Psychological Model, (2)- Functional Model, (3)- Problem Solving Method, (4)- Behavior Modification Model, (5)- Task Centered Casework Model.

(2)- Group Work

As we know that the collective forces always become useful if you put it on positive direction. This is main advantage of group work. In this, people assist each other. All these qualities create awareness and ego among the poor people. So, Group work is that method of social work by which the social worker provides help to different groups, and tries to create compatibility and harmony in their resources and problems in order to fulfill their needs.

William Farley said that; “Group work is a method of working with people in groups, for the enhancement of social functioning and for the achievement of socially desirable goals”.

According to Coyle; “Group work is also considered as the basic part of social work practices like community organization, administration and research. More its main characteristic is that in group work, social relationships are flourished by using group experience. So, it is the duty of a group worker to promote social relationship and democratic society”. For example; APWA (All Pakistan Women Association), professors’ association, CBO (Community Based Organization), all these are groups and their main interest is to serve the community on the basis of common expectations/goals.

People need association with other human beings to be nurtured, loved, wanted, and understood. Group work is based on the assumption that individuals have a need for each other. Almost all social service agencies use group work method of social work.

Formation of Groups

Formation of groups takes place in a variety of ways. For example; the existence of social problems in a society/community will create the need of it to solve the problems.

Group Goals
Groups are not come into existence without any goal/objective/mission/target. They have certain predefined goals which they are targeted to achieve. Such as;
(1)- To improve self image, (2)- Expand self awareness and understanding, (3)- Achieve a group status, (4)- Improve peer relationships, (5)- Develop friendship building skills, (6)- Accept peers as individuals.

Principles of Group Work

o Principle of Group Formation: social worker should aware about group formation techniques. As we know that; needs and expectations of people are basic thins to form group, social worker motivate the people to make groups because he tell them that by making a group, they can fulfill their needs more easily. Without group’s assistance, an individual can’t be survived.
o Principle of Specific Purpose: Specific purpose is very important to convince the people to make a group. The people, who share same purpose/objective, make a group in order to achieve that purpose. For example; farmer’s organization.
o Principle of Relationship: It means the relationships between members of group, e.g. between general secretary and president, manager and peon, etc. Positive relations among them have too much importance to meet group objectives. If there is conflict among them, there will be a threat to its existence.
o Principle of Individualization: This is a matter of great concern. Group members should not deal each other’s privacy non-seriously. They should not share the group’s personal and risky matters with the members of other groups. Simply, they should not discuss the weak points of their group with other groups because this thing will open the ways for other groups to interfere in the group’s personal matters. e.g. The executive director or the general secretary should be responsible to hand over all the weak points and privacy of the group/organization.
o Principle of Flexibility: There should be some flexibility with the group, e.g. in the rules and regulations of the group. Because, without the flexibility, no objective can be achieved by any group/organization. So, it is the primary task of the social worker to promote the flexibility within the group/organization.
o Principle of Utilization of Resources: It is very necessary for the long time existence/survival of the group/organization. For example; there may be membership funds. The group tries its best to make its own assets and then later on run the different projects through these pre-structured assets. Such as, the group can establish a school and then can earn regular income from that school to look after its other projects.
o Principle of Self-Reliance: It is the main objective of NGOs and other groups to create self-reliance among the community. It is the first priority of every group because the dependent groups remain always at risks.

Group Work Models
Group goals and objectives will determine the group work model employed. Papell and Rothman pioneer three such models. (1)- Social Goals Model, (2)- The Remedial Goals Model, (3)- The Reciprocal Goals Model.

(3)- Community Organization

Community: means a group of particular individuals who live/reside in a particular area and they have common goals and have similar culture and also mutual relationships. For example; Christian community, farming community, student community, etc
Community Organization: is the 3rd basic method of social work practices. Social worker who uses this method is ‘community worker’. According to National Conference of Social Work, “Community Organization is a branch of social work that fulfills the specific or all the needs of a community”.

Arther Denhem said that; “Community Organization is a method that creates compatibility among the resources and needs of a specific area”.

William Farley said that; “Community organization is a process which taps and ties together community resources”.

Community social work is one of the main approaches in social work. It is one of the newer thrusts in social work and one that has great potential for preventing and solving social problems. Many of the principles basic to the community organization are shared with case work and group work, but there are several that are unique. The four main role of community organizer are; Teacher, Catalyst, Facilitator and a Person who Creates Linkages between organizations and communities. These roles must be carried out with skill and an understanding of the importance of human relationships.

Through community organization, the welfare work of single agencies as well as of whole communities is directed, cooperation between public and private agencies is secured, and funds are raised and administered. The community may be called upon to provide the buildings and grounds for such activities.

Methods of Community Organization

There are the following three commonly prevailing methods of community organization;
o Centered/Focus on the Objectives: This is the major method of community organization having vital importance. On the basis of this, community organization’s all activities revolve around the pre-described or pre-targeted objectives. The organizations plan/formulate their policies/agendas in the light of its objectives. So, we can say that the objective lies at the heart of the organization under this method.
o Need for More Resources: As we know that to remain motive, the need of resources can’t be denied. Organizations remain in search of more resources to fulfill their project needs and requirements. Sometimes, the organization can’t fulfill its expenditures by using the existing resources. So, for this purpose, the organization feels the need for more resources to maintain its consistency.
o Combination of Many Resources: Sometimes, the community organization can’t fulfill its expenditures by one existing resource. For this, the organization has to combine many resources. For example, the organization has to depend upon multiple donors or means of funding. It may run a training center and side by side may also gain funds from governmental or other private donors.

Objectives of Community Organization

Community organization is based on certain objectives which are given below;
o To fulfill the basic needs and necessities of the community. Because without this, the organization can’t uplift/promote the community. So, the fulfillment of basic needs is the basic requirement for the smooth sailing of the community life.
o Maximum Utilization of the Resources of the Community: It is the basic/major objective of the community organization to well utilize the existing resources of the community as much as possible in order to enhance them. For example; there may be human resources, financial resources, etc.
o Creation of Co-operation and Unity among the Community Members: Because these two things are the basic conditions for the genuine development in the community.
o Provision of Democratic Environment for the Community: One of the objectives of Community organization is to provide equal opportunities to all the members of the community. Simply, to voice the opinions and suggestions of all the community members.
o Introduction of Welfare Programs in the Community: It is the major objective of the community organization. To meet this objective is the important purpose of community organization.
o To Ensure the Participation of Individuals: This is primary objective because without the participation of the individuals, the organization can’t fulfill/meet its remaining objectives. So, it is of vital importance.

Principles of Community Organization

o Principle of Respect and Honor: There should be the protection/security of self respect within the organization. Community organization members should deal with one another with respect and don’t point out or criticize anyone’s honor. Because this thing creates the sense of dignity among the members of the organization which contributes in their better performance for the achievement of the organization’s objectives.
o Principle of Self Decision Making: The organization should have its own decision making power. The community organization should have at least so much expertise that it can take it necessary decisions by itself.
o Principle of Participation: Community should be participatory having participation without any personal motive. We can say that no community can develop/prosperous without participation process.
o Principle of Self Help: This principle is of vital importance particularly in third world countries like Pakistan. On the basis of self help, the community can develop with more structurally and properly. For example; our government has launched different types of projects with the collaboration of CBOs on the basis of self help.
o Principle of Utilization of Resource: The affective utilization of resources of the community is the primary task of any community organization. This leads to the plus development in the community.

There are many other principles of community organization such as;
Principle of Equality, Principle of Formation of Programs, Principle of Flexibility, Principle of Guideline, etc but the above mentioned were most important.

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